Saturday, March 28, 2009

semalam dan semalam

sungguh lame aku xmengkarok kan diri.wuahahahaa..smlm hari jmaat opis aku smpai kul5 jek,then bdk2 opis aku terus decide ajak gi yg join pun aku,faiz,achik n kak wany.tapi kak wany secoet jekk join sbb ayah die dah dtg ajak bdk sek plak aku rase.hihi.then tinggal lah kiotrg bertiga.aku mmg rapat ngn faiz n achik.wlpun diorg nie lagi tua dri aku tapi perangai diorg mmg cm kanak2 spastik budak2 jek.padahal si achik tuh dah jadi mak budak,tapi die the very hot mama,wuhuuu.ehehe..actually yg faiz tuh pmpuan okeh.mesti korang igt die lelaki die faizah tapi pnggil faiz.bdk2 opis aku mulut masing2 mulut speaker..ahaha..tapi mmg best.aku xpenah cite lagi kan pasal diorg.hehe..nnti lah ek aku cite.heh nie aku nk glemer kan muke2 korang.tgk lah gmbr bdk2 opis aku.tataa~ ::me-faiz-achik::

:: b4 krismas dinner::

:: krismas dinner at hotel summit::

Friday, March 27, 2009

kuantan trip

sgt besttt gi kuantan weeknd lepas.sambil gi jemputan kawen andok kiotrg amek peluang gi holiday skali.lame dah!dpt release TENSION!
pas gi kawen umah andok kiotrg gi carik hotel nak check in.igt nk tido cherating tapi agak mahal n bnyak yg dah penuh,so crik tempat lan dpt lah duk kat de rhu beach resort...resort mmg best n breakfast jugakk mmg sedappp.i loikeeee.yum.yum..aku mls nk type korang tgk lah ek gmbr2.~

andok & kak kayzie

me & kak kayzie

me n sha

my love

NotaDiSini:tensionnye aku bnyk bende nk kene settle.wuwuwu =_='

Thursday, March 19, 2009


i'm sooo tired....


huhu..nAK cutii..heLp Me!!

yeaye!esok gi terengganu.and klu sempat nak singgah tido kat cherating.yippii..kupah n wan poon join same.yeaye.lame dah hang out same2 mereka..actually kiotrg nak gi tgk andok kawen.congratz andok!

dah jadi laki org dah kan.

semoga berbahagia smpai cucu cicit piut.heheee.. is my turn..errrrrr

Saturday, March 14, 2009

nite at hospital

hye guys!guess where i am now..i'm in the hospital now!hoho..mesti terkejutz kan..
actually aku just teman my little kazen stay here this pity to him sbb die dah 2 weeks demam n batuk2.rupe2nye bile dah gi check kat KPJ Damansara doc kate yg paru2 ade infection! this nite is my turn to stay with him.aku bagi makcik kesygan aku tuh berehat.ehehe..baek kann anak buah die nie(puji diri sendrik ;p)..mybe luse si kecil nie bleh kuar.die sgt xsbr2 nk kuar.igt esok bleh kuar wad but tdi doc kate mybe luse,muke die terus soo disappointed..huhu..kesian kan..hehe..tapi alhamdulillah tgk die makin okeh.aku plak ngntuk tapi xleh nk tdo.nie 2nd time aku tdo hspital.1st time dulu mase teman kan mak aku die operation last dah ade xperience xde hal sgt lah.cewah..smoge adik cepat sehat keh,kak yong doa kan!muax

Friday, March 13, 2009

Hi All!

Long time no see huh..we all bz lately..lots of work need to do plus both of us are working ppl now..ahahah..normal la..our wedding event is 3 month left..theres a kind of preparation need to set up..what kind??haha its a secret..secret recipe..until you will become like us then u will facing what we have feeeeel rite now.

Erm..last month we went to Kota Bharu (my hometown)..azura meet her future mother in nervous rite?we fly wif airasia together for the first time..from KL with love..ehehehe.."Now Everyone Can Fly" words are really happen to us..we visit + shopping at every interesting places such as Rantau Panjang, Pengkalan Kubur, Pasar Siti Khadijah, Pasar Buluh Kubu etc..3 days trip was very rest..only sleep at night..then tomorrow morning continue again with activities..wahh lah wehh..betul2 ho liao..she shopping like crazy ppl..evrythings she want to buy......

Then every weekend we date at big shopping see a few things..hehehe...owh ya before i forgot..we have a dinner at Chilies sponsor by her for celebrating my to her..first time been there ma..hehe...really happy and appreciated..herm no idea anymore to talk..just see our pic on below..happy weken..bubye..:p

at LCCT after arrival

my menu..
rempit together at semban